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It no longer comes as a surprise when you look through websites and magazines and find adverts for products or procedures that promise you the perfect skin. These product advertisements also include that of mole removal creams and even gels. Some of these ads talk about the real thing; the others, however, are nothing but scams. If you do not wish to waste money or if you do not wish to invest time in analyzing the, you can follow these mole removal at home methods.
I bet you did not know that cauliflower is effective as a mole remover. Aside from being a delicious vegetable for healthy meals, cauliflower is also effective as a cosmetic ingredient. Remove the stem of the cauliflower and slice it into small pieces. Using a blender, grind these sliced pieces into even smaller bits. You should take the resulting concentrated juice or extract. The concentrated juice can then be rubbed or swabbed on the area of skin containing the moles or warts. This application should be done daily until the skin has become completely dry. The skin moles will peel off by themselves. You can also do this same procedure using castor oil and pineapple juice. For some physicians, the use of honey is very highly recommended.
Application of the milk from the banyan tree is also a useful home remedy. They can even be used for wart removal. The milky sap derived from green tea leaves can also be effective removers of warts and moles. Using castor oil by itself will not be effective. It has to be rubbed along with baking soda on the moles. A pinch of baking soda will do for a few drops of castor oil. Rub the remaining soapy mixture into the moles for the next few days. Give it a few days and you will see some telling differences.
Mole removal is also possible, albeit gradually, if you take some useful minerals to do the trick. For instance, intake of potassium can be of great help. Apple cider vinegar which is rich in potassium can also be externally applied to see a good result. Did you know that garlic is also an excellent natural mole removal agent? The clove of garlic can be cut into two halves. These cut portions will then be laid directly on the moles. You are probably going to experience some irritation on the area once this is applied. But if you wish to get a good result, it has to be placed overnight. The region can then be secured using some bandage. The pigment in the skin moles will be effectively broken down by the sulfur that is found in garlic. If you have the tolerance, you can even place garlic for around 24 hours on the skin. Many people think it works very well. Actually, you will be able to get rid of moles faster. If you are looking for an equally effective natural mole removal agent, try drumstick extract.
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